The following Terms must be approved by the Governing Authority (Council, Board, Trustees, etc) before services are scheduled. These Terms may change at any time, with or without notice. This online version of these Terms replaces any and all printed copies of the Terms. By using our software and services, you re-affirm these Terms and any updates to these Terms.
Potential Variances Between Initial Quote and Final Invoice
- The final invoice may vary from inital quote if content or scope is materially different than presented during the initial interview.
- The quote is based on the number of transactions to be converted. This number has been estimated based on the anticipated install date noted on the quote. However, installs are scheduled on a first-come first-served basis. Therefore, if the estimated dates of the install are no longer available at the time the quote is approved, the actual invoice may vary from the quote due to the increased number of transactions.
- Setup will complete with the data given to ClerkBooks at that time. Any data given later will be added using support hours.
- Cancellation Policy: Down payment is 100% refundable if cancellation is made 1 month or more prior to the scheduled starting date. 50% of down payment is refundable if cancellation is made 1 week or more prior to starting date. Down payment will not be refunded if cancellation is made within 1 week of the starting date.
- Postponing Installation: postponing the installation may increase or decrease the data conversion charges on the invoice depending on how far away from the start of the fiscal year the postponement moves the dates. On top of this adjustment, there are no additional fees for postponing an installation 1 month or more prior to the scheduled starting date. There is a 10% additional fee for postponing 1 week or more prior to starting date. There is a 25% additional fee for postponing within 1 week of the starting date.
Terms of Payment
- The entire quote, and terms, must be approved by the Governing Body before the installation can be scheduled.
- Payment terms are 1/2 down to lock in installation dates and 1/2 due after the 1st day of orientation.
- Once the down payment is received, the customer will gain access to the online training videos and cheat sheets.
- Once the first day of orientation has been completed, an official invoice will be emailed. This invoice will reflect the actual due minus the down payment. If the amount varies from the quote, documentation will be included giving the reason for any discrepancy. The City may discuss with ClerkBooks the validity of the discrepancy before payment is made.
- If payment is not received according to terms, ClerkBooks reserves the right to remove access to all software and data. No refund of down payment will be made.
Monthly Software Renewals
- Renewal invoices will be sent in the first week of each month for software provided the previous month.
- Renewals will be automatically paid via ACH on the 25th of each month.
- Renewal prices do not include services rendered.
- Support and Mentoring services are optional and can be provided and billed by deducting from your pre-paid support hours.
- Continuing Education is optional and can be provided and billed separately.
- Supplies are optional and can be purchased and billed separately.
- Renewal prices may change at any time. Current prices are posted in the website Shop pages.
Support and Continuing Education
- Support is purchased separate from software and is pre-paid in 5, 10, 20, 40 or 80 hour packages.
- Support prices shown may change at any time. Previously purchased packages will not loose value when prices change.
- Support time is deducted in 5 minute increments from available hours every time a support call is made or an email is answered.
- Un-used support hours are non-refundable but never expire or loose value.
- Support can be used for any questions related to software, hardware, accounting, clerical or administrative issues. We help setup networks and online backups, and can transfer files to new computers. We can answer most accounting questions. We offer audit support prior to, during and after the audit. We offer grant writing and capital project administration support. We offer both live and webinar based Council training and staff continuing education.
- If we determine that we are not qualified to answer a specific question, we will do our best to point you in a direction where you can recieve the appropriate level of support. When this occurs, our time to assess the question and to make the referral will not be used against your support hour balance.
- We also offer both live and webinar based Council training and staff continuing education.
- An available balance of pre-paid support hours are required to receive any form of support.
- A report of purchased, used and available support hours is available on the home screen of this website at all times.
Governing Body Participation
- You may participate in the setup, orientation, any support call, and any continuing education session at any time and may ask ClerkBooks any questions regarding the system or its use at any time. Your questions will deduct from available support hours the same as any questions presented by staff.
- You are strongly encouraged to watch two 1 hour training videos on using the financials to make decisions, catch mistakes and prevent fraud. These videos are available once the down payment is received.
Standard of Care
- We endeavor to provide services in good faith based on best practices as defined in GAAP and GASB recommendations as well as State Financial Guidelines and Ethics laws.
- However, it is the responsibility of the Governing Body to oversee and approve the financials and financial systems in order to catch mistakes and prevent fraud.
- Therefore, the Governing Body agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the firm and its personnel from any claims, liabilities, costs and expenses relating to our services under this agreement attributable to false or incomplete representations of management, except to the extent determined to have resulted from the intentional or deliberate misconduct of the firm’s personnel.
Cancellation of Agreement
- Either party may cancel this agreement at any time for any reason upon formal or informal written notice.
- If the Governing body terminates the agreement, any unused support hours will be forfeited.
- Cancellation of the Agreement may cause loss of access to portions of the software and data.
- Upon cancellation, all remaining account balances will be immediately due