Beta Test Program

What Is A Beta Test?

Beta Testing is the process of finding and fixing all the “bugs” in a Beta version of software before the final version is released for official use. (A Beta version is the first working draft of a software system.)

Why Do We Beta Test?

As Developers, we cannot foresee all the ways that end-users will use the system. If everyone did everything exactly the way we did things, everything would probably work. However, not everyone thinks the way we think. Therefore, what makes complete sense to us, does not always make sense to anyone except us. Beta Testing helps us think outside the box.

What Software Is ClerkBooks Testing?

Currently, we are beta testing a new version of the Utility Billing Module. The new version is a web-based upgrade which still connects to the QuickBooks desktop program. It will be available for QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier and Enterprise for as long as QuickBooks continues to build and support these versions. This upgrade will replace the current desktop version of the Utility Billing module. It may also sync with the online edition of QuickBooks if/when that application is mature enough to facilitate government accounting. Our beta testing is scheduled to complete by December 31st of this year. This means the new system should be available for everyone by January 1st!

We are also in the process of building a full accounting package which will be an optional replacement for QuickBooks. This will offer three levels of transaction categorization including Fund, Department and Account, as well as full account numbers. It will be designed to fulfill GASB requirements from the start. This means there will be no need for the current Closing Tools module. This system will be an optional upgrade. We will continue to support the Desktop editions of QuickBooks as long as QuickBooks supports their desktop editions. Beta testing is scheduled to begin on the full accounting package by January 1st of next year!

What Benefits Do I Get As A Beta Tester?

  • You get a sneak peak at the new features before anyone else.
  • Your input is considered first, above everyone else. You get to tell us what you like, and what you don’t like.
  • If possible, we add any features that you suggest, before the software is released.
  • You can find out if the system will work for you before you convert all your data.
  • You get your initial data conversion from your current system to the new system done for free, when you are ready to switch.

What Do I have To Do?

Phase I

  • We create a copy of your current system that you can use for testing.
  • You use the testing system for creating test invoices.
  • You let us know if you have any issues, concerns or suggestions for improvement.
  • We fix the issues, address your concerns and add your suggestions to the new system (if possible)

Phase II

  • We connect your real data to the new system and uninstall the old system.
  • You use the new system for creating official invoices.
  • You let us know if you have any issues, concerns or suggestions for improvement.
  • We fix the issues, address your concerns and add your suggestions to the new system (if possible)

You get free support for anything related to the test or the new system until the Beta Test is complete and the software is released to everyone else.

How Do I Sign-Up?

Schedule a Pre-Beta Test Meeting. It’s as easy as that.

Thank you for considering the Beta Test program. I look forward to your input!