All-Inclusive Pricing
ClerkBooks is not priced per module. All modules and all features are available to all subscribers. We believe that all local government entities, no matter their size, deserve all the best features..
Unlimited Users
ClerkBooks is not priced per user. We strive to be Open Records compliant. Therefore, all employees and external accountants can have any level of access you define. Council Members and Auditors can have read-only access to reports. Access is granted as you define, at no additional cost.

Usage Based Pricing
Instead, ClerkBooks is priced similar to how most cities bill for utilities. There is a standard flat monthly fee plus a nominal fee per transaction.
Therefore, smaller cities pay less, because they use the system less. Larger cities pay more, because they use the system more
Support and Training
Support is purchased separately from software. If you need software, buy software. If you need support, buy support. We will not force you to buy one just so you can get the other.
Support is pre-purchased in blocks of 5, 10, 20 or 40 hours. Every time we help, either through remote-desktop connection or via email, we subtract our time (rounded up to the next 5-minute mark) from your pool of available hours. When you run low, you order another package.
You can request support by calling us, emailing us, or by scheduling your own appointment on our easy to use online scheduling tool. On the tool you can choose your length of appointment, date and time of appointment, and even choose your Support Representative. When the appointment is booked, it automatically adds the appointment on our calendars and yours. It will even send you an reminder for the upcoming appointment on appointment day.
Rounding our time up to the nearest 5 minute mark allows us time to enter notes into an online journal that you can view and print. That way you can track when and how your support time has been used.